A recent conversation with a friend about their child’s meltdown over homework reminded me of my own struggles in math class in Grade 7, and my eventual need for a tutor to help me better understand math.
I did well in math until Grade 7, when a new teacher (and new equations) left me struggling on my own for the first few months until things became progressively worse.
With the summer break ahead, many parents wonder if tutoring should be an option to consider so September doesn’t take their child by surprise. Here are a few signs I showed in my youth, and that your child may exhibit, that suggest tutoring might be a good option for the summer.
17 Signs That Your Child Needs A Summer Tutor
1) Faking Illness/Experiencing Anxiety
In Grade 7, I regularly woke up not feeling well and my mother would often keep me home from school. It started to get so bad that she took me to the doctor to see if I had a more serious health problem. The doctor determined that I wasn’t physically sick. I was experiencing anxiety about attending school thanks to some bullies – and the trouble I was having in math class.
2) Experiencing Homework Meltdowns
Let’s face it: most children don’t like having to do homework, and all children experience meltdowns over homework from time-to-time. If, however, your child has frequent meltdowns over having to do homework, this could be a sign that your child may need a tutor.
3) Failing Grades
All through public school, I never struggled with my school work. In Grades 7 and 8, my failing grades in math class alerted my mother that I was suddenly experiencing difficulty with this subject. It was time to get a tutor.
4) Your Child “Hates” School or a Certain Subject/Class
Is your child constantly disrupting the class? Are they showing disinterest in learning? Do they come home and tell you they “hate” school or a certain class or subject? These are classic signs that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. A tutor may be the solution to these problems.
5) Prolonged Homework Sessions
Is your child suddenly taking a lot longer to complete homework assignments? Or not getting the homework done in time? They may be struggling with the subject and this could be a sign that your child may need a tutor.
6) Procrastination
All children procrastinate from time-to-time with things they don’t want to do, including homework. If your child routinely procrastinates when doing their homework, this may be a sign they need additional help completing their work.
7) Lack of Confidence
Repeated complaints from your child that they can’t do anything right, or that they aren’t good at anything, could be a cry for help.
Enlisting the support of a tutor could be the perfect way to help your child regain confidence in themselves and provide them with useful learning skills.
8) A Change in Home Life
Big lifestyle changes can be difficult for even the strongest adult – let alone a child.
A new job, divorce, moving to a new city, a death in the family – all of these things can result in stress for a child.
Things can be even harder for a child if their parents end up having less time to spend helping them with homework due to these lifestyle changes.
A summer tutor can be a sound investment to help your child get through these stressful times.
9) Easily Distracted
If your child gets distracted easily and has difficulty focusing on homework, a tutor could be the perfect answer to helping your child learn tips and techniques to help them manage distractions so they can complete their homework in a timely manner.
10) Hard Work – Poor Results
Is your child still falling behind in class and coming home with a poor report card despite all their hard work and effort on homework, projects and tests?
Don’t let your child continue to struggle. Your child may need a tutor to help them determine why their hard work is not resulting in a positive outcome.
11) Learning Disabilities
Children with learning disabilities often struggle to thrive in an environment where there are too many other kids, distractions and not enough assistance from a teacher who may be struggling to teach a large number of students.
Small group tutoring over the summer months could mean the difference between your child getting lost in the crowd and getting the extra support they need to help them cope with the additional challenges they may have in the classroom environment.
12) Time Management Problems
Even the best students can struggle with problems such as how to effectively manage their time when it comes to completing schoolwork. A tutor can help your child develop time management skills that can help them balance homework, school activities and personal responsibilities – leading to a happier, more relaxed child.
13) Lack of Motivation
Sometimes all a child needs to excel in school is the support and encouragement of a tutor who can motivate them to do better, and help them to discover the things that can enrich their learning experience.
14) Your Child Thinks They Need a Tutor
Some children are extremely intuitive and know when they are struggling and need help. If your child comes to you and asks for help from a tutor, don’t ignore this request. Use the summer as an opportunity to help them build confidence
15) In Need of a Challenge
Not all children who could benefit from the assistance of a tutor need help because they are struggling with school work. Some children who excel in school are simply in need of a challenge. A tutor can assist your child in exploring a higher level of studies focusing on subjects they are interested in learning more about.
16) Parents Unable To Help
Through no fault of their own, and for various reasons, not all parents are able to assist their children when it comes to doing homework and school projects. A tutor can provide your child with guidance and extra help with challenging subjects when you don’t have the skills, knowledge or time to help your child with their school work.
17) Student-Teacher Relationship
A tutor may be the perfect answer for a child who is struggling with a teacher with whom they have a difficult relationship. Just like it did for me, the encouragement and assistance from a tutor can greatly help a child get through a tough semester with a teacher that your child may have difficulty learning from or relating to.
Is your child showing any of the above signs? Summer break is the perfect opportunity for your child to gain confidence, catch-up on subjects that didn’t quite work for them during the semester, and also stay on top of the things they do know. Come September, they can be ready for anything that comes their way.