Recently, DK Canada approached me to do a book review from their Start Fresh Boutique. My regular readers know how much I love to review DK Books, but this time I decided to change things up just a bit. The last month has been a real mix of good, bad, and busy times, and I just have not had the time to focus too much on my blog. So, when this opportunity came up, and I saw The Gluten-Free Cookbook was being offered for review, I knew just the person to hand this review over to…my friend Jason from Frugal Canadian Coupon Mom blog.
Jason struggles with numerous health problems, one of which is Celiac Disease. I do not suffer from this disease (thank goodness!), but anyone who does knows how nasty it can be to live with. Luckily, more and more products are being offered these days that cater to those that require a gluten-free diet, but it can still be a struggle to find good food that is gluten-free.
That’s why a cookbook like The Gluten-Free Cookbook can be such a great resource for those with Celiac Disease, which is exactly what Jason found out when he had the opportunity to review this fantastic DK Canada cookbook.
Here is Jason’s review of The Gluten-Free Cookbook…and some great photos of a couple of the recipes he has already tried! Don’t they look yummy!
I was recently presented with the opportunity to write a review for a friend’s blog about an amazing company by the name of DK Canada, and a book they’ve published called The Gluten-Free Cookbook that was written by Heather Whinney, Jane Lawrie & Fiona Hunter.
Since I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Celiac Disease, and love to cook, I jumped on the offer. I also love DK Canada books as they have great information, vivid photos and they’re of great quality!
What I really like about this cookbook is that the ingredients are basic everyday ingredients. Some recipes do call for specific types of gluten-free flour, such as self-rising flour or bread flour, which is something I’ll have to pick up, but other than that, you should have most of the ingredients in your cupboard. Another thing that I’m really impressed with is the amount of accurate information it contains. I definitely could have used this book when I was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease, which is why I’m recommending it to newly diagnosed Celiacs.
I was really excited to try these recipes as a lot of them call for gluten-free all-purpose flour and not the multiple flours all mixed together as most gluten-free recipes do. Those kinds of recipes often require adjustments to taste which isn’t the case with the recipes in this book! The recipes in The Gluten-Free Cookbook are simple to follow, easy to make, and full of different meal ideas that will appeal to everyone.
Once again I’ve been impressed by DK Canada and the quality of information and tasty recipes featured in this book. I definitely think that those with gluten intolerance will find it as useful as I do. Totally recommend it!
You can order your own copy of The Gluten-Free Cookbook from DK Canada’s Start Fresh Boutique!