A blogging or social media conference, or any conference for that matter, can be a fun and exciting event, full of valuable educational experiences, and lots of great opportunities to network.
For many people though, a conference can be a very overwhelming and scary thing, especially if you aren’t a social butterfly, or you are attending the event alone and do not know any of the other attendees.
I had the pleasure of attending the BConnected Conference this past weekend in Toronto, a blogging and social media conference that I helped my friend Lyne organize.

Being aware that not everyone coming to the BConnected Conference would already know other attendees, we felt that it was important to have a little “icebreaker” session for attendees that would help them meet and get to know their fellow bloggers and social media influencers.
So I came up with a list of 60 icebreaker questions that I thought would help get the conversation going between our attendees. Little did we know that at BConnected Conference, we would not need these icebreaker questions.
Our group of attendees were all so warm and friendly, and ready to make new connections, that they were already getting to know each other well, right from the start of the conference. It was great to see everyone simply coming together on their own, and great to watch these interactions take place – all without using the icebreaker questions.
So on that note, I was left with my list of 60 icebreaker questions, and wondering what to do with it. That’s when I realized that it may be helpful for others looking to create a similar list. You can even tweak it to fit other types of events.
60 Icebreaker Questions For Your Next Blogging Or Social Media Event
Tell us where you are from, a bit about yourself and your family.
Tell us about your blog, and what you blog about.
When did you start your blog, and why did you start one?
What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever been able to do because of your blog?
Tell us about 3 of your biggest strengths when it comes to blogging and social media.
Tell us about 3 of your biggest weaknesses when it comes to blogging and social media.
Share with us your proudest moment in blogging.
What do you find hardest about blogging?
If you could rebrand, or change your blog in some way, what would you like to do?
Which is your favourite social media channel and why?
How do you envision your blog in 5 years?
Are you happy with your own blog name? Dislike it now? If you could easily change it to something else, what would you change it to, and why?
Name one of your favourite Canadian blogs and why you enjoy reading it.
Tell us about one of the goals you have for your blog in 2017.
What is your favourite thing about attending a social media/blogging conference?
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you as a blogger?
What blogging task do you dislike having to do?
Do you break any blogging “rules”? If so, what one, and how does it work for you?
Tell us about some of your favourite online sites where you find great content to share on your social media channels.
Share with us one of your best social media tips.
Share with us one of your best blogging tips.
How many hours per day do you spend working on your blog/social media? Do you work F/T or P/T as a blogger?
Do you monetize your blog? What are your top 3 ways you make money from your blog?
What do you like to do for fun when you are not blogging?
Have you ever been trolled online? How did you deal with the troll?
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you as a blogger?
What’s your best advice for gaining followers and readers authentically?
If you could meet any blogger, who would you choose to meet?
Tell us about one of your go-to websites for blogging and social media help and advice.
What do you like the most about the blogging industry? The least?
How do you come up with story ideas for your blog? Are there any tools you use to assist you with this?
Your mobile phone. What features do you like most about it? What do you like least about your mobile phone?
Share with us some of your favourite social media tools.
Tell us about your favourite product or destination you’ve reviewed on your blog.
If you could work with any Sponsor, who would that be?
Have you taken any online blogging or social media courses/workshops that you would recommend?
What’s the biggest piece of advice you would give to a brand new blogger?
If you could start your blog all over again, what would you do differently? What would you keep the same?
Tell us one thing you learned at a conference that you utilized on your blog and/or social media channels.
Have you ever been recognized in public by one of your readers? Where was it and what happened?
What is your biggest blogging pet peeve?
What would you consider to be the biggest misconception about blogging?
Tell us what exciting things are happening for your blog right now.
Tell us a bit about a person you have connected with here at the conference that you had never met before until now.
Have you/your blog ever been featured in the media? For what?
What motivated you to come to this conference?
What is the best thing a reader has ever said to you in a comment on your blog or social media?
What would you most like someone to help you with in regards to your blog?
Have you met any famous people because of your blogging? Tell us about them!
What’s the craziest thing a friend or family member has said to you about your blogging?
What is your greatest achievement as a blogger?
Tell us what you think is a worthwhile thing to spend money on when it comes to helping you with your blogging and social media?
Are there any social media channels you aren’t using (or using well) that you think you should be? What’s stopping you?
Tell us about some great social media accounts to follow, and why we should follow them.
If there is anyone at this table whom you haven’t traded business cards with, trade them now.
Name one of your blog posts that you are most proud of and why you are proud of this post.
Do you have any famous people following your blog or social media channels? Tell us who!
How is your blog different from all other blogs? What makes your blog stand out?
Tell us about a random act of kindness that another blogger has done for you.
Share with us one myth about blogging.
Want to know more about the great social media and blogging conferences you can attend in Canada and the United States? Check out my list!